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A Precious Gift from God

‘That they were the family I had been yearning for in Melbourne.’

Maybe if you are invited to join the cell group, that will be the answer to your prayer.

The first time I was invited to join the Holy Trinity Community (HTC) by Andreas Setiawan, I wasn’t looking for a new community in the church. At that time, Andreas and I were both altar servers at the St. Francis Church, Melbourne. Yet, I kept hearing more stories about the cell group activities from some other friends, Angelika and Julius, when we had lunch together. However, those talks only stopped in my ears and hadn’t moved my heart. Only after the third time that I truly felt my calling to join the HTC.

I became a member of St. Therese of Liseaux’s cell group in March 2019. Since then, I experienced so much growth in my personal and spiritual life. The cell group helped change my lifestyle.
Along the way, I experienced the support and care of my cell group members who helped me to know better and get closer to the Catholic Church. My cell group also firmly pushed me to serve actively in the church. I became more spirited in my ministries.

There are many memorable moments that I experienced as a member of the cell group. If I have to choose one, it was the time when our cell group went on an outing in Lorne, December 2019. The event was a farewell for two of St. Therese of Liseaux’s cell group members who would go home to Indonesia for good. I had a mixed feeling about it. For the first time I realized the close bond that we had amongst the cell group members, that they were the family I had been yearning for in Melbourne.

An Answer to Your Prayer
Deep in our hearts, each of us would without doubt have the desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Each of us would have the wish to gather round people whom we could share our opinions with and who support each other. When you are invited to join a cell group, that will be the answer to your prayer, to satisfy your yearning and cast away the feeling of loneliness.
I have to admit that it is often difficult to get close to someone new. It needs a lot of courage to let go of your worries and fear. So, it is no less important to open your heart to God and the love of your fellow believers. That way, the invitation to join the cell group will be one of the most valuable gifts of God in your life.