Every week we learn something new from each other and grow together.
For me, Holy Trinity Community (HTC) cell group is like a perfume sample. It grows on you and before you realize it, you will be missing them when they are not around. Just try it! Please do for a few weeks.
I joined St. Martha’s cell group invited by my friend, Jovic. Thank God for him. We and a few of my other friends went to PD (Prayer Group – TN) every week. Seeing photos and updates on their activities, attending some PD events and Malam Penyegaran Rohani (MPR – annual big event that the prayer group held – TN) made me curious about a cell group, the more intimate group. I was also looking for a catholic community as I’d been involved in a Christian (Protestant – TN) one on my first few years in Melbourne.
For me, the cell group is a support group, my regular brunch buddies, and a.m. session buddies. And most of all, people hear your complaints. To me, cell group meeting is more than a routine. It’s like Sunday roast, everyone anticipates the day and can’t wait to meet each other every week.
Friendship with God
What are the benefits of becoming a member of the HTC cell group? You gain friendships! First and foremost, friendship with God, and long-lasting friendships with your cell group members.
Friendship with God goes along with one of the HTC goals, i.e., to form the members of the community into the true Disciples of Christ who know God personally and turn Jesus into the centre of their lives, to be Catholics who can be accountable for their faith.
The members of HTC are also molded into witnesses of Christ who can give their testimonies about Jesus Christ in the society according to their own talents and blessings.
There were many memorable moments that I went through as a cell group active member. Surely every week we learn something new from each other and grow. However, if I was to choose only one from those moments, I would pick the MPR held in 2017. At that time, my cell group mates and I served together. It was my first time dancing for God, such a memorable experience that I will always cherish, not just with the cell group members, but also with the rest of my PD (Prayer Group – TN) friends.