About Holy Trinity Community Melbourne
“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
(Acts 2:46-47)

Our community, Holy Trinity Community (HTC) Melbourne, started from the yearning of a few students who were members of the Indonesian HTC to establish a branch of the community in their new city of residence. In 1997, two ‘Daughter of Carmel’ sisters came to hold a retreat attended by those who were then formed into the first two cell groups of Melbourne.
We then expanded rapidly when the founding father, Fr. Yohanes Indrakusuma,CSE, came to hold a Spiritual Revival and retreat in 1999. Two cell groups turned into eight, forming into the District of Melbourne.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, He allows us as a community to experience His love and presence, as well as having a deep personal relationship with Him. Through His guidance, one of our missions is to bring others into having the same experience. Through HTC Melbourne, we are taught to be disciples who bring the Catholic faith to reach out and serve God and His people.

Over the years, only by His grace, Holy Trinity Community Melbourne has grown in numbers. According to our latest survey, we have currently one district with approximately 200 members from various age groups and stages of life spread across over 15 cell groups. These groups are located mainly in Melbourne CBD, Eastern, South-eastern, and Western suburbs.

Join Our Community
Let’s grow together in faith, hope and love, personally experience God’s love, deepen our love to Him and love one another as one big family.