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The spirituality of HTC comes from both the Carmelite spirituality and the renewal of life in the Holy Spirit, fused into one inseparable combination whereby each spiritualites inspires and energizes the lives and the ministries of the community and its members.


The Carmelite spirituality is the soul of the Community’s life and works. It helps us to clearly see our goal and to assist us in the path towards God.

HTC harbours under the protection of Mary, Mother of God and surrenders itself into her motherly love. She is the model of great faith and deep humility who focused her whole being to do the will of God: ‘I am the servant of the Lord be done unto me according to Your will’ (Luke 1:38)

HTC also gives itself under the protection of the Prophet Elijah, a man of God who always lived in the presence of the Lord, whose actions were driven by the will of God.

Through the example of great Carmel figures such as St. Therese of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Therese of Lisieux, etc., who taught of the paths that need to be taken and the dangers need to be avoided in the walks toward God, HTC is guided towards a deeper awareness of its Christian and spiritual life.


HTC in its life and works is inspired, even spirited by the spirituality of the Life Renewal in the Holy Spirit. While in the theological side, it means that in its life and works, HTC depends totally on the Holy Spirit and His Power.The realization about this dependency is gained through the experience of the Holy Spirit which is usually obtained through the outpouring of the Spirit rituals. Especially in its ministries, HTC applies the gifts of the Holy Spirit which God has given. Without those gifts, HTC will not be able to serve its ministries.HTC in its life and works is inspired, even empowered by the spirituality of the Life Renewal in the Spirit. Theologically, it means that HTC totally depends on the Holy Spirit and His power in its life and works. The fulfilment of this is in one’s experience of the Holy Spirit usually received in the Outpouring of the Spirit prayer. (To serve) in its ministries especially, HTC utilises the gifts of the Holy Spirit that God has given.


As a truly Catholic community, HTC lives this Life Renewal in the Holy Spirit in unity with the whole Church under the guidance of the local Bishop. HTC is proud to be wholly Catholic while totally open to the works and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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Let’s grow together in faith, hope and love, personally experience God’s love, deepen our love to Him and love one another as one big family.